Marriage is amazing and the biggest blessing in my life, (besides the birth of our son) but it's not all rainbows and sunshine. We have gone through some rough times together- it is work! Years passed, went through a deployment, school started, a baby was brought into this world and here we are- seven years later. I am still proud. Every once in a while our marriage goes through the "normal" cycle and we get to a point where the quirks we each have start to bother us when they normally wouldn't. Phone calls are less frequent, and we spend less time together and more time in front of the computer or tv. Those are the times, I think, that count the most, the times when instead of calling it quits, or becoming even more distant, we remember what is most important and get back in sync.
Seven years ago we shared the most perfect day, we have had so much fun, just the two of us! But on November 14th, 2012 our love grew even larger, when we welcomed our precious baby boy! Now we can have even more fun and memories, just the 3 of us:) I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our little family. Happy 7th Anniversary!
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