Tuesday, July 16, 2013

8 Month update

This year is just flying by! Seems like yesterday Reeden was a tiny baby, now he is 8 months old!!

Height/Weight: I still don't have any accurate measurements for him. Next month at his 9 month visit we will see how much he has gained and grown:)

Routine: Our days usually go like this...

8:00/8:30- wakes and has his bottle
9:30- he takes his morning nap which varies in time from half and hour to an hour and a half!
10:30- plays in the floor with toys, then in his walker while I go about my morning routine.
12:00/12:30- lunch time
1:00- more playtime, outside time if the weather is good.
2:00/2:30- has his afternoon nap
4:00- he has a bottle and baby food
5:00- usually playtime with daddy while I fix dinner.
6:00/6:30- eats dinner with us(usually snacks on puffs or mum-mums)
8:00- time for cereal and his night time bottle
9:00- time to start settling down, we read a book to him or he plays with soft quiet toys.
9:30/10:00- Bedtime

Sleeping: Reeden is still doing great with sleeping through the night. He takes 2 naps a day, every once in a while he will have 3 if one of them is shorter than usual.

Eating: Reeden still has the same eating schedule as last month. The boy loves his puffs, banana, sweet potato, yogurt, strawberry-apple, doesn't matter the flavor, he LOVES them.

Sizes: Reeden now wears 12 month clothing! He is still in size 3 diapers and size 3 shoes.

Says mama, dada, baba, papaw,bye, and hello

Waves hello and bye bye

Pulling up on everything

Plays peek-a-boo

Sings and dances when music is playing, or when he is "playing" music :)

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