Hello! Where has the time gone?! I haven't posted in 1 month and 2 weeks! I'm trying my best to get back into the swing of things, so until then bare with me. Since I last posted we have had another snow storm, built our 1st snowman, got our 1st black eye, and jumped on the trampoline for the 1st time!! This past month has also been filled with lots of traveling, just an hour or 2 away is as far as we have gone, but with a toddler that's a long day/days! It's pretty much exhausting! Reeden will be 16 months tomorrow! Seriously where has my little baby gone? He is changing and maturing and growing so much! It's definitely bittersweet. I won't do a whole detailed update but at his check up on Feb. 26th he was 27 lbs and 33 1/4 in. 95th % for weight, 98th% for heighth! He is saying 20+ words and speaking so clearly and in little sentences (: He said "I love you" to us for the 1st time on Feb.24th! (That's right I know the exact date and time) Melted my heart and his daddy's ;) He is just the sweetest little boy ever! Here's some pictures of what's been going on around here while I have been away!

And yes, we used the swimming pool as a sled again! Looks like Daylin may have liked it more than Reeden!
This was the result of his new favorite thing "spinning". He spun and spun until he fell right on the corner of that mean end table!! :(
So sweet!!
Waiting to get shots at his 15 month check up.
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