Monday, December 16, 2013

Blogmas Day 16

You know it's Monday when Reeden wakes up in a BAD mood! The day started off rough, fussing baby causes a fussing mommy! As I was trying to get ready for the day, after getting him settled down from breakfast and the temper tantrum that followed, I could hear Reeden getting dvds out of the entertainment center but let him since it was keeping him quite. Bad decision! After he got them ALL out and walked back to me, I heard a knock at the door, of course it was my grandparents.  Haha me half dressed, Reeden with no pants, and dvds spread from the door to the kitchen, I'm sure it looked like a mad house! Oh and of course we had just ran out of toilet paper, which never happens, how embarrassing! The day turned around after a 2 1/2 hour nap and a trip to see Nana while I made a trip to Wal-Mart :) Bathrooms are stocked and house is picked up! Happy Monday!

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