Height/Weight: He weighed 23.75 lbs and was 31 inches long! He is in the 98th percentile for his height!
Sizes: Clothes are still the same as last month 12-18 months, but he wears a size 5 shoe now and the next diapers I buy will be a size 5.
Pictures of his 1st hair cut
Daily: Reeden took his first steps by his self Sunday night while playing with me and Daylin!! Then took 2 more the next day, but no more since then! I gave him his first hair cut last week and he did great! I was worried he would be too interested in the scissors for me to do anything. His birthday party was on Saturday and we all had a blast! I'll do a separate post on that once I get the pictures back :) This month has been full of firsts and fun and I'm sure there's more to come!
Eating: We are officially done with formula! We have been for about 2 weeks now. He has 5 oz whole milk when he wakes up and then usually oatmeal for breakfast. Lunch he eats a banana and whole milk and a grilled cheese(or something along those lines) For dinner I try to have a meat or protein food for him and a vegetable,carrots,green beans,peas, I try to just mix it up so he doesn't get tired of things. He has milk again with that meal too. He currently loves teddy grahams for a snack. Goldfish are becoming a favorite also.
Sleeping: Last month I said I was sleep training to have him put him self to sleep, and I'm happy to say we accomplished our goal! Naps and bedtime I take him to his crib, tuck him in, walk out, and close the door and I'm done he goes right to sleep! He is still taking a nap mid morning, and they have been lasting from 2-3 hours! His evening nap is hit and miss though, some days I can tell he needs it, others he just powers right thru until bedtime.
Took his first steps 11-10-2013
First hair cut 11-07-2013
Can say a 3 syllable word- Buffalo(this makes me laugh)
Colored his first picture
Has 8 teeth now
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