Sunday, May 12, 2013

To my Mom

Sometimes I wonder how I could survive without you.  I am so thankful to have a mom who is not only my mother, but my friend.  You have always been there for me, cheering me on when no one else would.  Now that I am a mother too, it only intensifies my love for you.  I now see the many sacrifices you have made for me. You always put your children first, no matter what!  I can only strive to be the mother to my son, that you have been to me. I Love You!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! It is worth it all when you have a child turn out as special as you are! My life would be nothing without my kids. You are such a great mother to Reeden and will he appreciate it when he is grown. I love you so much and feel so blessed to be your mother.

