Daylin, my multi-talented, smart, loving husband. We met when I was 16, dated for 2 years and have been married for 7 years come July 1st! We have endured 2 deployments and in 2008 Daylin completed his 8 years of service to the Marine Corps! Our marriage is far from perfect, yet I am thankful to be married to my best friend. I couldn't imagine being teamed up with anyone else to experience the high and lows that life throws my way.
Reeden, born November 14th,2012, is our greatest achievement! We tried for several years to get pregnant with no luck, then out of no where, and to everybody's surprise, came Reeden Cohen :) We are so blessed and thankful to be called his parents!
I come from a small town, and live in an even smaller one! I fill most of my time with my husband and son. In the rare moments I have free time you can usually find me looking,buying,playing with makeup! I was home schooled through high school, graduated beauty school, but now I am a stay at home mom, and loving every minute of it! I am obsessed with all things owls, going on 4 years now:) I try to find joy in the little things of life. This blog is intended to share my thoughts, and pictures of my son, as we journey through life. Welcome to my blog, which is simply a glimpse into my life:)
Very cute Rachael! You are a wonderful mom!