My sweet "little" Reeden is 18 months! A whole YEAR and a HALF! Your personality gets bigger and brighter every day. You have grown up so much, in what seems to be overnight! Here are a few things we love about you...
We love that books are your favorite toy! Daddy is super proud, since they're his favorite too. Reading to you while you sit and take in every word and want to participate in the story brings us so much joy!
We love that you have such a funny personality. You never fail to entertain us, or anyone watching you for that matter!
We love that you try to do and say the things we do. Little things like cleaning, blowing on your food, answering the phone, "working" on things with daddy, you know just what to do. This makes us strive to to do our best at all time because you are ALWAYS watching.
We love that you LOVE tractors and cars. You can spot them everywhere we go. Seeing the excitement on your face makes my heart smile.
We love that when someone is talking to you, that you make sure they know Mommy and Daddy too :)
We love that you enjoy being outside. You would stay out all day and night if we let you!
We love that you love animals. We are planning on getting a puppy real soon and can't wait to see how excited you are!
We love that you give us hugs and kisses. Most of the time without being asked, you come and find us to give us a hug or pat or kiss. You have such a kind heart.
Long story short, the few things we love about you are, that we love EVERYTHING about you! You make us so happy and our love for you just keeps growing everyday! We love you so much, Happy 18 months baby boy!!
Here's a few updated pictures of his wonderful 17 and 18 months!