Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mommy Self-Esteem

     First off, I contemplated posting this, just because I am more of a private person (says the woman with a blog) about myself. I love sharing about my son and family, usually just leave myself out of it. This is in no way a search for pity or sadness I just want to share what I have been feeling as a new mommy, and hopefully some can relate.

     Five months after giving birth, I look in the mirror and realize I look nothing like I did as a newlywed. I realize that I will probably never look the way I did when I was 18. And in my heart I know that it is okay and I am enough. But my head feels differently... and so do my thighs!

     I would like to say that I look at my son and all of the insecurity goes away. I do feel that way at times, but sometimes I just feel blah and I fall apart.  Seeing your body change when you didn't have the best body image to begin with is hard, no matter who you are.  I felt it before I was pregnant, while I was pregnant, and I definitely feel it now!

     I find my self needing reassurance that I am beautiful, that used to not be as important to me. I usually don't need people to tell me I am worth something to believe it.

     To combat this feeling of inferiority, I have been taking some steps to feel better about myself:
First I have been trying to get dressed for the day, everyday. This truly helps boost your self-esteem, even if no one else but my handsome boy is going to see me:) I have been exercising and eating healthier. Drinking more and more water and less diet coke.

    Secondly, I'm not comparing myself to others-what is the point anyway? I do not lose anything when someone gains- I am enough. Being kind and truly happy for others helps me to be happy with myself. It really does. Selflessly serving others is a good way to let go of yourself.

     I am so blessed with a sweet husband and son and I am making great strides in letting this feeling of inferiority go for good!

Peace and loving others so we can more fully love ourselves- thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

5 month update

                                             Reeden's 5 month update

Height/Weight: I don't have the official measurements for him this month, but there's no doubt he has definitely grown!! He is now wearing 6-9 month clothing. Still in size 2 diapers but could bump it up to size 3, just trying to use up what I have:)

Daily: His personality is really starting to shine! He loves to laugh and growl. He is definitely in tune with his surroundings, nothing gets past him! I had to put away his swing, he has outgrown it! It was a bittersweet moment for me, but in its place is the exersaucer.  He would jump in it all day if we let him, he is a very active little guy! He grabs and touches EVERYTHING!! Time to baby proof the house:)

Eating: Pretty big month for him! He has 3 baby food meals a day now, along with 4-5 six oz bottles of formula! He has tried apples,bananas,prunes,carrots,sweet potatoes,and peas. He loved all of them, except the peas, he wasn't too sure about those! He still loves his baby cereal.

Bedtime: His routine is still the same as last month. He still sleeps through the night, but taking longer naps through the day. He isn't in his crib yet,still in the rock n play, but that's our goal for this coming month!

  • Said mama!! <3
  • First tooth popped through
  • Sitting up on his own
  • Gets upset if we hold another baby!
  • Rolling over (finally) 
  • Notices everything 

Mama's Boy?

It's official.... Reeden's first word is MAMA!!!
Definitely the highlight of the month:)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Pictures

Reeden's Easter pictures...(a little late)

One year ago..

 One year ago I heard the best,most perfect,life changing sound I will ever baby's heart beat!!  At a strong 117 bpm, there was no doubt I was already in love.

Now that you are finally here we can't imagine how we ever lived without you!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Reeden found his tongue

Reeden is cracking me up these days. About 90% of the day he is doing this....
....I guess when you find your want to show it off?!?!

Favorite Things:March

These have been Reeden's favorite things this month
        Nuk paci and Nuk bottles                                                                                                                   
 Eating cereal:)
 Rock N Play
 Has to have a blanket to sleep.
 Obsessed with his feet!